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Louis Lake Intermediate | Room 21 | 10801 Orangewood Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840 | (714) 663-6506 Garden Grove Unified School District |  10331 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840 | (714) 663-6000

This is a website accessible to everyone. Here you will find links to resources for Mr. Eaton's Classes. Parents you will find each class' syllabus with expectations and  policies. Students you will find links to class websites and other extracurricular activities. Most links on this site require you to log in with your Garden Grove Unified School District .Net Account.

Visit Mr. Eaton's .Net Website for all class resources.

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3d Design & Modeling

Fall Semester

Syllabus | More Details | Website

3d Design & Modeling (DM) provides students opportunities to apply the design process to creatively solve problems. Students will learn perspective, isometric, and multi-view sketching as methods for communicating design ideas effectively without the use of technology, learn conversions between two measurement systems and apply measurement skills while dimensioning sketches, and conduct a mechanical dissection to better understand how objects and parts interact.  Students work in teams to identify design requirements, research the topic, and engage stakeholders. Students will use 3D modeling software to create a virtual image of their designs and produce a portfolio to showcase their creative solutions. Students will use 3D Printer to model solutions of real world problems.

CS for Innovators & Makers

Spring Semester

Syllabus | More Details | Website

Computer Science for Innovators & Makers (IM) will allow students to discover computer science concepts and skills by creating personally relevant, tangible, and shareable projects. Students will learn about programming for the physical world by blending hardware design and software development. They will design and develop a physical computing device, interactive art installation, or wearable, and plan and develop code for micro-controllers that bring their physical designs to life. Physical computing projects will promote student awareness of interactive systems, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and broaden their understanding of abstract computer science concepts through meaningful and authentic applications.

Computer Science

Fall Semester

Syllabus | More Details | Website

Computer Science Discoveries (CS) is an intermediate school introduction to the world of computer science and problem solving. This class  introduces students to computer science as a vehicle for problem solving, communication, and personal expression. The class focuses on the visible aspects of computing and computer science, and encourages students to see where computer science exists around them and how they can engage with it as a tool for exploration and expression. This class provides students with opportunities to become “computational thinkers” by applying a variety of problem-solving techniques as they create solutions to problems that are situated in a variety of contexts. They will understand the role of the web, and how it can be used as a medium for creative expression before creating their own personal web pages. Students are also introduced to problem solving as it relates to programming, as they learn valuable skills such as debugging, using resources, and teamwork. Students build on their coding experience as they create programmatic images, animations, interactive art, and games.  Students develop a personalized, interactive program. 

App Creators

Spring Semester

Syllabus | More Details | Website

App Creators (AC) introduces students to the field of computer science and the concepts of computational thinking, through the creation of mobile apps. Students are challenged to be creative and innovative, as they collaboratively design and develop mobile solutions to engaging, authentic problems. Students experience the positive impact of the application of computer science to society as well as to other disciplines.The unit provides students opportunities for self-expression. Teams identify a personal or community problem of interest to them that can be solved with a mobile app solution. The problem can address issues such as health and wellness, the environment, school culture, emergency preparedness, education, community service—the options are endless!

Automation & Robotics

Full Year

Syllabus | More Details | Website

Automation & Robotics (AR) provides students opportunities to apply the design process to creatively solve problems. Students will learn about engineering and the STEM courses (science, technology, engineering, and math). The students learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation and computer control systems. Students use the VEX Robotics® platform to design, build, and program real-world objects such as windmills, traffic lights, toll booths, and robotic cars. Students will investigate and understand various mechanisms to determine their purpose and applications. The students will be able to apply their knowledge of mechanisms to solve a unique problem. Students will design, build, wire, and program both open and closed loop systems. Use motors and sensors appropriately to solve robotic problems. Troubleshoot a malfunctioning system using a methodical approach. Experience the responsibility of a mechanical, electrical and computer engineer through completion of robotic problems. 

Robotics Competition

Full Year

Syllabus | Website

Robotics Competition class will continue students’ exploration into STEAM topics. This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of robotics and prepare them for participation in a robotics competition. Students will learn about the engineering design process, programming, and the construction of robots. They will also learn about the different types of robotics competitions and how to prepare for a competition.
Students will investigate and understand various mechanisms to determine their purpose and applications. The students will be able to apply their knowledge of mechanisms to solve a unique problem. Students will design, build, wire, and program both open and closed loop systems. Use motors and sensors appropriately to solve robotic problems. Troubleshoot a malfunctioning system using a methodical approach. Experience the responsibility of a mechanical, electrical and computer engineer through completion of robotic problems. 

Exploring Computer Technology

Fall & Spring Semesters

Syllabus | More DetailsWebsite

Exploring Computer Technology (ECT) is an introductory computer course designed to develop 21st century skills.  This course emphasizes how to type on a keyboard effectively, quickly and correctly; Google Workspace which includes Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms and Drawings; and how to use technology in the classroom and beyond. Depending on the student’s prior knowledge and motivation, this course is intended to be an introductory to advanced computer course which will teach the students the skills needed to work in other classes. Many of these skills can be used in venues outside of high school like a work based environment or in a College/Technical school environment. Key elements of this course include using multiple search engines to do Internet research, formatting, email for communication, presentation software, and multimedia presentations.


Math 8

Full Year

Syllabus | Website

This course is designed to deepen students' understanding of algebraic concepts, geometric principles, and statistical reasoning. Building upon foundational skills, this course emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.This course focuses on:  
  • Number System and Operations - Students continue to expand their understanding of numbers beyond integers and decimals. They explore irrational numbers, such as square roots and pi, and learn to approximate them. Additionally, they work with exponents and scientific notation to represent very large or very small numbers.
  • Algebra and Functions - Students will focus on linear equations, inequalities, and systems of equations. Students learn to solve these equations, graph them and interpret their solutions in real-world contexts. They also begin to explore functions as a way to model relationships between quantities.
  • Geometry - Students delve deeper into geometric concepts, including angles, triangles, similarity, congruence and the Pythagorean Theorem. They also explore three-dimensional shapes and their properties, such as volume and surface area.
  • Statistics and Probability - Students learn to analyze and interpret data sets, using measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and spread (range, quartiles). They also explore concepts of probability and make predictions based on data.
Through a balance of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world applications, students will develop a strong mathematical foundation for future academic and career endeavors.

Summer Bridge


Apply for this summer!

Starts Monday, August 1. Ends Friday, August 5. 3 differentiated sessions for incoming students to:

During school join us for once a month Math Meets. Have lunch and talk about math.


Full Year (Algebra is no longer taught by Mr. Eaton)

Syllabus | Website | Mr. Eaton's Algebra Files

This course covers algebra as if it was taught in high school. Students are expected to use critical thinking to increase their depth of knowledge. This course will use a variety of materials and methods to make algebra relatable to students.This course focuses on:  
  • Reasoning about structure to define and make sense of rational exponents and explore the algebraic structure of the rational and real number systems.  
  • Solving absolute value equations, linear inequalities and systems of linear equations  
  • Building functions in a modeling context and solve problems related to the resulting functions with a focus on linear, simple exponential and quadratic equations.  
  • Using more formal means of assessing how a model fits data (regression, graphical representations). 
It is understandable students coming into this course may not have all the basic skills to master algebra. There will be extra activities to fill in the gaps. Students should understand that filling these basic gaps will reduce the learning curve of abstract thinking. Although a middle school course, the major goals of this course are to assist students in developing skills necessary to meet the algebra content standards and to prepare students for the High School Exit Exam.

After School Programs


Mondays 2:20 pm to 3:20 pm
Coming Soon!

After School STEAM

Tuesdays 2:20 pm to 3:20 pm
Coming Soon!

After School STEAM

Thursdays 2:20 pm to 3:20 pm
Coming Soon!


Fridays 2:20 pm to 3:20 pm
Coming Soon!